I'm back but just keeping it to plate releases for the moment! Once again I've gotten behind on things but I'm able to do some lightweight blogging. Right now plate releases are all over the place and some I've known about for ages but couldn't share until the makers were ready to release them to the masses. Such is the case with the plates I'm talking about here today from Loja BBF. My regular readers know I LOVE THIS BRAND! Cris is a darling, a sweetheart, a pudding pop of amazing squishiness and love. And yes I adore what she creates. A Brazilian indie that sets off chimes of love and cheer in my heart that is Loja BBF. Plus I may have had a hand in creating one of the custom plates she started offering for sale ;) Now let's take a look at the merchandise since talk is cheap....
Don't mind the branding logos. In case you hadn't noticed most platemakers and companies are incorporating them these days to keep less scrupulous manufacturers from copying their merchandise and I for one applaud them. Its no joke when you take the time to create and labor over designs and then have a manufacturer come along and rip off your designs and sell them for a buck a plate. Though I'm of the opinion that one gets what they pay for so if you pay for cheap knock offs don't be surprised if the quality isn't there. Now lets talk about this awesome plate! Lordy I can hear the Mandela calling and I said hay! Yas I need it!
A bit of lace and bit of basic a bit of kaleidoscope. This plate reads a like a fun house of all the images one might be wanting in their collection if you didn't have them already. I want it for the 2nd image from the left and 1st from the right top row. Tehy are way too cool and way too detailed to pass up!
This one I announced or reposted on my IG months and months ago (one more reason you should be following me on Instagram). I keeps my ear to the ground on the platemakers I stalk there as well so I knew this one was coming. I love the embedded circles and butterflies here especially the ones climbing in the vines!
This is probably the one plate I'm on the fence about. Definitely Mandela style but I wonder how it would translate onto the nail. It would obviously make an awesome plate for leadlighting!
Hooooooo! Child hold me back I feel a spell coming on! Lawd! Yes all those exclamations this plate is hot hot hot! I need it like yesterday!
Oh hay Disney plates that BBF is getting renown for! Another one this time featuring the likes of little Miss Cinderella herself. A wish is a dream that the heart makes. Showing us her spectacular shoe, her wonderful mice, and her handsome prince though I never though Prince Charming was anything to write home about. And my favorite the carriage! Spectacular and though you may not be able to tell this plate is a lot bigger than the normal BBF size. All the Disney ones are.
The other plate I had mockups for on IG earlier! Tattoos and roses and birds and ships galore! I don't really know what it is about this plate but I really love it. Its got the weirdest mix of interesting elements for me.
And one more Mandella inspired floral plate for the road. I think this one is so pretty and soft. I can picture doing some gorgeous work with this one! And now for the specialized custom plates that Cris created.
A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet? True but a plate with your own name has so much more sentimental feeling. So there is a platemaker who was offering customized name plates on Etsy but the pricing was.....let's just put it this way it didn't make it to the blog. At $40-50 a pop per plate I felt that wasn't an acceptable price range. So of course I was thrilled to see Cris offering this one to her customers. This is her name we see scrawled all over the plate, but of course it could be yours ;) And it will be mine lolol.
My art plate! YASSSS! So I went to Cris unashamedly and asked her can you make me an art plate? I was tired of trying to get the art plate from another maker who has absolutely terrible customer service. Frankly I'd sent this seller no less than 3 emails asking and 3 Facebook messages before I gave up on her goods which by the way are even more expensive and not as pretty as the plate Cris is making for me and now offering for sale to the general public. Look at the delicate roses and the name darling. Mine of course will say Lacquer Lockdown. Yours can say whatever you choose but I cannot wait for mine to arrive! And now finally the new and super cute organizers
Cute cute cute. Now you can store your BBF plates in their own BBF holders and know exactly what they hold cause it's written right across the front. How adorbs is that? Also I love this mint green colorway! So let's talk deets darlings...As usual regular sized BBF plates will retail for $7.50 USD. The larger BBF plates, namely 42 & 47 the Disney ones, will retail $9 USD. The customized plates will retail for $14 USD and $20 USD respectively. And finally the organizers will cost $5 USD. These products will be available for purchase on the BBF website. This site does ship internationally since it's Cris' direct site. And there we have it. Another spectacular plate release from one of the best platemakers in the game ;) Thanks for reading and I'll see you next post...

Yay!! Thank you so much for posting this! I'm really happy with the new set of plates and the custom plates. I'm so anxious for you to receive your custom plate, you have no idea! LOL
ReplyDeleteThanks again
xoxoxo <3
You're welcome sweetness. These plates are gorgeous I cannot wait to see the new ones! I'm dying to get that plate too. I'm going to do some video reviews for sure especially for the art plate <3!
ReplyDeleteLove all of them I can't even choose just one!