Hey stamping addicts
Alright stamp champs here are the latest releases that MoYou London churned out of the last couple of months. Not nearly as many as I thought and while some are absolute hits there are a few misses as well. If you are planning your holiday shopping for your favorite stamping addict this posting may help you to pull out the newest releases from this platemaking powerhouse So without too much halaballouh let's get into it!
Scandi Collection Expansion
I haven't been the biggest fan of the Scandi Collection. TBH I just could not get into it. To me the plates felt like a lazy woman's Doodle Collection, but I have to admit I like the clean nature of these two new plates. First of all I'm always going to love any kind of "galaxy/space" themed plates. I find them charming but the simple manner with which MYL displayed them made me fall in love! I'm annoyed that the smaller image plate has more cute images than the large one hence you really have to buy them both for the total delicious effect even if you rock long nails. Or maybe that's just me and my obsession
Ugh I love these!
Festive Collection Expansion
This was MYL's Festive Thanksgiving release which also happened to be the first of its kind. Namely because MYL hadn't released any Thanksgiving plates before now. If you're wondering why consider that this is a UK based platemaker why on earth would they celebrate this holiday? They wouldn't and I have mixed feelings about Thanksgiving anyway. Something about the systematic decimation of a single ethnicity leaves a sour taste in my mouth but to each their own. I will say I find this plate lovely with these solid cut out images and typography.
Christmas 2017 release. Really cute but these seem super labor intensive like decal city. I want something a bit more simple this year so I won't be biting but these images are so cute. I love the little gingerbread men and milk especially.
Let it snow let it snow! I want it but then again I want every snowflake plate ever. Not sure how unique these images are honestly I'd have to really sit down and compare all the snowflake based plates I own side by side to say for sure.
Same but larger. I'll be having these as well!
Princess Collection Expansion
Meh these aren't actually that much different from the images I recall seeing in the Scholar set i.e the doodles the student is supposed to be doing during school. Therefore I'm not that impressed.
Same as above!
Minimal Collection Expansion
Saved the best for last! I adore this collection since its first release. Super clean easy to stack and layer and also somehow has the feeling of easy wearable nail art!
Henna collection meets Minimal?" That's probably why I didn't like the Henna Collection because so many of its images seem derivative. Here the imagery once again appears very clean. I will say though I don't think anything here screams I have to have it now because I've seen these images on other plates before.
God this is so good. Why are the images here small? I want them all!
The larger version of the derivatives and clean small lines. I want to say I don't need this plate but....I do. I love all the simple shape and again the potential for layering!
Oh holy Shapes! Lol yes shady but indeed I will say this Holy Shapes Minimal mashup is killing me right now. I love every single image here.
Scandi meets Art Deco meet Minimal. The result? Fantastically detailed and beautiful images that youwant to place on your nails immediately! I love these images so freaking much!
I said it above but gotta catch em all!
Anyway obviously these plates have already released and are available on the MoYou London website. They retail for 5.99GBP. MYL recently had a Black Friday sale where they also announced they would be discontinuing their older collections. Obviously these are not included as they just released but if you are going to make any purchases I suggest you grab up any old plates you may be wanting as well!

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