More plates rolling off the presses of which I am very far behind. That's fine though since so much is going on this month! It's Halloween and apparently lots of platemakers are releasing lots of plates. Therefore I'm always going to be a few posts behind until I'm totally caught up from all the things I missed while I was out of commission. This not only includes press, but also reviews and my regular swatch posts. But for now let's talk about a collection I totally missed that expanded last Friday - MoYou London's Enchanted Collection!
A modern Cinderella. Instead of Gus-Gus she has a fox!
Ok this is f-ing cute! Pardon my mouth but yeah all kinds of adorbs. This really makes me wish I preferred my nails shorter cause I know these images are tiny.
Ok never mind we got the large size images right here! And I'm loving it. BTW as I was putting this post together I was really bothered by these images trying to place the "familiar feeling" I kept getting from them. Finally it hit me a day or 2 later these images remind me a great deal of the illustrations from Beatrice Potter. That really warm and homey feeling that her books created in my childhood. That's what these plates remind me of and now I definitely have to have them after making that realization! Apparently they were inspired from the illustrations of Teagan White who is the artist of the month for MYL. I'm not really sure if that means she worked directly on creating the images or they were simply inspired by elements of her prior works. The article I read is somewhat unclear in that respect, but I think it's the latter from reading another Artist of the Month article.
Look at that tiny little hen and rooster. There are also geese, horses, donkey's and a tiny little dairy cow. I have never seen such whimsy in plate form before! Is that a tiny hedgehog I see? Gah!
I just have to have these plates. So adorable and cute! At the end of the day this is why MYL always ends up retaining my loyalty because just as I hit the point of thinking, "Their plates haven't really been hitting me right the last few collections," they release something that delights me.
Tiny little husky and finally that fluffy fox has made an appearance. There also seems to be a little bit of abstract origami style prettiness happening here. Wait hold every freaking thing - is that a NARWHAL!?!?! I am DONE DONE DONE!!! If you don't know what a narwhal read here. You can also listen to their calls on this site. Gah dead dead dead! They are way too awesome and way too cool! Narwhals are the unicorns of the sea!
It is a narwhal. I'm dead! How are they putting so many cute ass animals on one plate? Killing me literally killing me!
I haven't sufficiently recovered to say anything after that shot of awesome. Ok wait I have. I feel shades of Jungle Book coming on and I ain't talking about that Disney version. I'm talking about the original version by Rudyard Kipling!
"Trust in me....just in me. Close your eyes and trust in me. You can sleep safe and sound knowing I am around." Hisssssss lol I'm telling you this is totally a flashback collection or me. Look at that little sloth! So cute so necessary to my life which is largely sloth free...
Is that a yak? I guess the more colloquial term would be ram. I don't really care though cause LAMA!!! Lol I really love animals. When I was much younger I was the president of the ecology club all through elementary and middle school. I had fantasy of becoming a large animal vet. However I gave that up in favor of dealing with a more ruthless animal - man ;)
It was a yak. I don't know how I feel about that but whatever I missed the smaller version of the badger earlier and what looks to be a very stylized representation of a lynx and is that an ocelot? Lololol. These plates are so interesting!
I need that lion and also that cool looking elephant and camel! You can keep the feathers I have too many plates with feathers now. I cannot clearly see what kind of monkey that is - I need a larger version to know for sure. I've decided I need to scrutinize these plates a bit more carefully - I'm looking for a meer cat.
Elk, hippo, croco. It's a lemur - love it!
Basset hound, regular cat, cat hanging in there baby style, siamese style, and something weird is happening to that dog first row 4th image from the left.
Pug! I'm not one of those nail girls that has like five cats and stuff. I don't have any cats. I haven't owned a cat since I was a little kid. I regard them with some suspicion at baseline. I want a hedgehog or barring that a jellyfish tank. Yeah jellyfish....feel the burn ;)
Ooooh the side flower images. I was wondering if the larger nailed girls would get those. I find the little stylized arrows and branches painfully adorable! The leaves are leaves...
And the other abstracts. I need this plate solely for the narwhal crystalized snowflakes and the image in the right upper hand corner.
Well that was fun! What did you think? Favorites? I bet you didn't know I was so into animals did you? I love the Nature channel and I do tend to watch a lot of animal documentaries. Last year I went through a very intense wolf obsession. They are quite endangered globally you know! In any case all of these plates are currently available on the MoYou London website for the sweet sweet price of 4.99 GBP. I don't know about you, but need absolutely all of the larger sized ones! In any case happy hunting and I'll see you next post...

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