Happy Friday! I'm scrambling as usual and far behind as usual. Lol I think maybe 3 or 4 posts behind for plate releases, but definitely catching up! Today I wanted to show you the new plates released by Dashica Beauty earlier this month from the Infinity Nails Series. I love these plates so I always get excited when I see what new releases Shirley has for us. This is another series I should probably take the time to review for everyone, but just so you know the quality has always been excellent as in Marianne Nails, MoYou London, and Fab Ur Nails excellent. Yes that good! The designs are novel and the variety is ample. So let's take a look at what's in store for us this release.

I apologize the images aren't that crisp from enlarging, but I really don't like the Dashica website for viewing the plate images. They are entirely too small and I have a hard time seeing the designs on the plate since there is no zoom function. I wish they would either add a zoom to the website or enlarge the photos as I have done while preserving the clarity. In any case here are the first 2 from the series. I swear I've seen the images on plate 101 like 1000 times already.

Gah that Winnie the Pooh and Tigger are so tempting even though several of the other images scare me. Lol. Plate 103 is killer because of what you could do with these images with some advanced stamping!

Both of these are kinda meh for me. I love the Winnie and Tigger again, but plate 105 feels kinda random lo.

Getting gorgeous here with 106. Totally didn't notice these butterflies in the lower righthand corner until I enlarged plate 106. So torn though with all these roses and floral images. I feel maxed out on these. The Spongebob faces are awesome!

Kawaii but I have such a conflicted feeling about these nested images plates i.e. how is this gonna translate on my nails. OMG but look at the freaking sheep at the bottom of 108! Adorbs adorbs. **dies** Curse the cuteness of these Sanrio characters! Fairies and abstracts on 109 make this instantly attractive for me. Sigh.....pretty sure I heard my wallet scream.

My Little Pony. Not essentials but I know a lot of ladies are gonna love this plate! Frozen yes but why the random owls and abstracts thrown in? I have a hard time with the distortion in these bottom images as well :/

Loving this winter scene on 113! I love these snow villages Shirley designs on her plates I have another one from an earlier release that is amazing! 112 I can't get there though the couples at the bottom are lovely I think I've truly hit my ceiling on Bridal plates.

Ok I'm gonna be brave and say it. I freaking love the muppets but why oh why is Miss Piggy's face so distorted in some of these images? It makes the plate really unattractive for me :/ I'm torn too because damn it Burt and Ernie and Big Bird at the bottom are sublime! Some of the other characters are perfect too but I can't stand that smushed Piggy face :( 115 Just noticed that barcode image lol cool! But I'm not going to buy a plate for the owls and a barcode alone.

Yes abstracts! A few look similar to something I saw on the Kaleidoscope series from MoYou and one Suki image, but to be honest so many companies are trying to create their own kaleidoscopes the images are getting altered subtlety so its hard to tell. 117 more abstracts that I love, but she had to sneak in those nested leaves and swirls again though at least its only 2. If you want to know why I'm tired of this image its because its very similar to that of the the Apipila P21 plates and its been duped to death on Born Pretty, Marianne Nails, and a few other plates I can think of I just want to see some different images.

Waaahh the 7 dwarves! I wish this plate was less random and weird. Why are such cute characters paired with this evil witchlike spiderweb image? 119 Jesus Christ....literally! He's paired with sugarskulls and roses and 2 fairy women.....I'm not sure if this is supposed to be like a tattoo style plate? I feel conflicted....

Abstracts yes! Looney Toones yes! Tweety's head bothers me a little though - slightly off kilter. Lol you guys are like this b*&CH is crazy. I can't help it. Deficits in symmetry even slight ones draw my eye a lot. It's probably because its a bad sign in my job for real life when I see asymmetry. Now I don't know how to stop looking for it. 121 tribal abstracts yes!

Cats cats cats cats and My Little Bunny? Oy! And somehow some abstracts get thrown in for good measure. So random lol. I find the little black cats on 123 disturbing/slightly creepy. Still both are beautiful plates and gahhh Kuromi!!!

124 cute but a bit basic for my taste. 125 - Yes to the top but lord can roses roses roses. I wanna see more flower variety across all plate makers. 125 is a hard yes though those top image are divine! Like stained glass and gorgeousness.
So what do you think of this latest release? I think we got a good mix of good, better and best! I really love Shirley's plates even the ones that I'm torn about and they are always a good investment so I'll be scooping up a few. These plates generally retail for 4.99 Euros though occasionally Dashica will run a sale and you can get them for a bit cheaper like 10% off. Regardless the site also offers very reasonable international shipping and its free over 75 Euros. Not bad eh? Let me know if you want a review of the Infinity plates in general. I have several lying around like I said but I haven't ever posted a review. Happy hunting and I'll see you next post.....

On 118, that looks like the Jack-in-the-box from The Steadfast Tin Soldier, Fantasia Movie ... the original one.
LOL indeed and a bit creepy that! ;)