Here we go. I'm really trying to catch up on a backlog of releases and it's been crazy. Just today I saw that 2 new plate series are coming out! I was like gah!! Now I'm really far behind in releases! Here another few plates that released earlier this month this time from Chez Delaney. Here's another company that gives me silent thrills. Veronique is a stealth releaser as well so you have to keep sharp eye out for her plates. This release is pretty small though which is a touch unusual for her but let's take a look....
I love this lace the upper patterns I've never seen before! And no I never really get tired of lace. Its the little old lady and shriveled romanticist in my soul. I'm not sure I like this Divers plate (to the right) its a little weird :/
Fairies! I love them! And look a glass slipper <3 I DO NOT LIKE this party plate. I hate hate hate clowns with a passion boarding on psychosis! HATE. Gah gah oy I have serious shivers...
So I love these little plates with the cherries and the croissants so cute! Also the tiny little adorable tea cups! I'm not totally blown away by this release I just think it has a lot of cute plates that I would not mind adding to my collection if I get the chance. Thoughts? These plates are already up on the Chez Delaney website. They retail for 6.90 Euros/plate + shipping. Happy hunting and I'll see you next post...

I've seen so many lace plates lately but for some magical reason, no one seems to get tired of them and they aren't repetitive (I've reached a point that I see flowers in a plate and I want to punch someone. There's been too many flower inspired plates lately).
ReplyDeleteI really like the first 3 plates. The others seem a little bit random to me. I like those Skull-cherries, tho. I'd buy that plate only for that image lol. And I could use a couple of images from the fruits and tea ones. Now, the one with the tree texture is a huge no-no for me. What is that plate even about? lol
I know right! They never get old I want them all <3. Like you I'm a bit tired of flowers but only the more traditional ones. I have a lot of problems with most rose images these days because they are so overused. I can think of at least 10 brands of plates offhand that feature images of roses. I mean there are other flowers :/
ReplyDeleteThe first 3 plates are my favorite too. The rest aren't random they are just plates that she is releasing slowly from each of her themed sections. You have to look at the bottom of the plates, when she chooses to include it in the mockups, but for instance the first plate in this post is from her Angles and Feathers theme. I have all of them except obviously these new ones and I love them all. I also didn't like the Divers or as you put it tree bark plate. Its a bit strange to say the least. I do like that shattered glass image on the plate but thats about it lol
Exactly! Most of the companies this days seem to know only two types of flowers. And then, when one release a plate with a different flower (sunflowers, for example) and they see how popular that image gets, every one want to come with sunflowers. It's like they are expecting a company to do something, see if it gets popular for them to try it, instead of them trying to bring something new and different.
ReplyDeleteAbout this plates... I have to admit that I don't know much about this brand, so I'm glad you explained that to me :)
Now, a little bit random, I've been wanting to ask you this since I saw this on IG. Do you know about this brand? Their plates are pretty basic imo, but it's never a bad thing to discover new things XD
You're right I have also noticed the surge of sunflower images lately lol so sad. I mean really how hard is it to make a plate with all kinds of unique flowers I doubt it wouldn't be popular given how much women in general like flowers. But people get stuck in their ruts so.... *shrugs* I'll be relying on UberChic Beauty who seems a little more adventurous in that respect.
ReplyDeleteYes Chez Delaney is in their own niche I really need to get up a review of this brand so I can talk about their plates and the branding but its hard to fit everything in these days lol. Busy busy....
About Topatopa I did a review of these plates ages ago. I work really hard to stay updated on plates and platemakers from all over the world :) Its tough but that makes the blog a little more comprehensive. This company is also listed on my stamping supply page and I've done a few nail art looks for them. Here's the link with their tag so you can see everything: